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Tales of Cybersecurity, Threat Research, CTFs, and Offensive operations

IronEye - Welcome to your Rusty LDAP Swiss Army Knife

IronEye - Welcome to your Rusty LDAP Swiss Army Knife

Description: A mullti-purpose LDAP tool written in Rust. Created By: Evasive_Ginger

IronEye - Welcome to your Rusty LDAP Swiss Army Knife

IronEye - Welcome to your Rusty LDAP Swiss Army Knife

Description: A mullti-purpose LDAP tool written in Rust. Created By: Evasive_Ginger

SCCM - Microsoft's Native C2

SCCM - Microsoft's Native C2

A lot of hype has come out around System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM), Microsoft's software management suite that allows administra

Hack The Box - Support

Hack The Box - Support

Hack The Box walkthrough of the machine Support

Compatibility to Compromise

Compatibility to Compromise

How legacy compatibility options and misconfigured ADCS can lead to a real bad day.

Red Team Operator 2 Review

Red Team Operator 2 Review

Red Team Operator 2 is the continuation of the educational content and certifications from RastaMouse at Zero Point Security. This builds upon

New Role, New AD Takeover

New Role, New AD Takeover

Hello World! It's been a while, but not without justification. I've been adjusting to a new job position, Offensive Security consult

Napping - TryHackMe Walkthrough

Napping - TryHackMe Walkthrough

This is a quick walkthrough of Napping on TryHackMe. The room does not give any hints/walkthroughs

Building a simple custom implant for AV bypassing

Building a simple custom implant for AV bypassing

Building a C++ implant for Sliver Shellcode
